Who We Are
Our Mission
The Mississippi Energy Institute is a non-profit institution that seeks to advise and provide insight into energy-related economic development. The Institute’s primary objective is to diversify and improve Mississippi’s economic energy base. With its abundant, diverse resources, well-established infrastructure, and significant, increasing energy investments, Mississippi is poised to capitalize on the development of its energy resources and supportive policy environment. In doing so, Mississippi can realize its full economic development potential.
By fostering innovation in energy production, we can enhance the economic vitality of Mississippi and provide national energy solutions.
We support and seek the development of policy recommendations that will enhance the energy infrastructure and industry in Mississippi.
We support educational initiatives to meet the present and future workforce needs of the Mississippi energy infrastructure and industry.
By fostering innovation in energy production, we can enhance the economic vitality of Mississippi and provide national energy solutions.
Last but not least, we must communicate Mississippi’s commitment to national leadership through responsible energy production and use.
A Message from MEI President Patrick Sullivan
Patrick Sullivan, President
Energy is the lifeblood of our economy. Every part of our economy relies on energy in some way. In a fast-changing world, the ability to expand Mississippi’s economy and improve quality of life is heavily dependent on the availability of abundant energy at an affordable cost.
Additionally, as developing countries like China and India continue to grow their economies, energy demand will undoubtedly increase. The independent Energy Information Administration projects global energy consumption to increase by about 50% over the next 25 years. Considering the amount of energy the world economy requires today, this will be an astonishing increase in energy demand. Obviously, all energy sources – oil, natural gas, nuclear, wind, hydro, biomass, solar – will be needed to meet this scale of demand while continuing to find ways to be more energy efficient in buildings, transportation vehicles, and manufacturing.
In preparing for this growth in energy production and to participate in new technology development, Mississippi has a major economic opportunity. Opportunities are in energy production, research, technology development, components manufacturing, transportation and distribution, storage, and extraction, and with each of these comes jobs and investment.
To capitalize on all of these opportunities, Mississippi must be innovative and strategic. The Mississippi Energy Institute is a non-profit business aimed at partnering with Mississippi’s government leaders, academic institutions, and economic development and business communities to develop growth-minded policies to maximize energy based economic development in MIssissippi.
Mississippi’s future depends on how effectively we position our State for these opportunities. This is a monumental task but one that will pay off. We must get it right.